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Looking for BLUES HISTORY?


Monday, June 3, 2013


"Feral-journalism." That's what I call it, when I go out into nature, never quite sure of what I might shoot with my camera. It is one of the last pleasures left to our generation... to go where the wild things are... Thanks to my invitation to the McMullen Ranch guest house near Whitehall, the wild and exotic was just waiting for me to capture it.

Right off the bat... the obligatory bunny...

Some really happy little hallucinagenic mushrooms... thriving in a genuine Texas cowpie.

A fragrant patch of  native Texas passion flowers... we call them Maypops. Once a lady from Aruba explained to me the symbolism in these bizarre wildflowers... as conceived by Hispanics. If I remember correctly... there are a dozen mauve petals representing the Apostles, three nodules at the very center representing the Trinity, and the fine thin stringy ones are the multitudes. Or something like that...

This little moth thought nobody could see him... well almost nobody would...
It is as if the cows broke out and the old guy said, "to hell with it."
On these "feral-journalistic" jaunts I often find little messages... Allegories. "Feral-symbols"; sometimes when you feel like your life is coming unhinged, just take a step away and look at its shadow. The second you do, you change your focus and realize just how much warm, beautiful sunshine you are ignoring.
More later.

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