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Saturday, December 15, 2012

50,350 pages visited !!!

Just want to thank you... you silent visitors you, who sneak around and read my blog and never leave a trace... I have ways of finding out!

FIFTY THOUSAND pages turned on this silly little Internet magazine... a landmark we crossed yesterday.

I know of course that half of these happen when a hapless researcher clicks onto a phrase they see on a list during an Internet SEARCH.. and they probably read a half of a sentence before vacating the premises... still, several blogs have been visited over five hundred times... from people from all over the world... Russia, Germany, England, France, Netherlands, Australia, India, Japan, Brazil, Canada, even tiny little countries I have hardly ever heard of... and cannot spell. 

And sometimes these readers come into the store and admit the blog has made them aware of something and even attracted them to Navasota, Blues Alley, me; People who are involved in the arts... especially writers, researchers, seekers, collectors. 

And that is the good thing about the Internet... it can become a forum for any voice crying in the wilderness... and if that voice rings true... a platform for their message. And there are no publishers, Media moguls, or governmental censors. It is a fairly pure forum... and you make it happen.

Even if you never leave a trace.      

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