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Looking for BLUES HISTORY?


Monday, August 15, 2011

I should have known better....

BUT, that means learning from past mistakes. And I am a Cushman. We always think our bad luck has just been used up, that now we have the necessary knowledge to prevail...

[The last time I promoted a show was the first Mance Lipscomb birthday party in 2010. Suffering constantly through that event, a week later I suffered a serious heart attack and had four stents put in my heart.]

Soooo, what I was doing throwing together the Blues Capital Revue, besides tempting my fate... I'm not sure. "It seemed like the thing to do at the time..."

About 10 days before the big day, things began to unravel. The computer went into a coma. Suddenly I could not email, or finish the graphics for final marketing, and worse, complete the album cover for my daughter's album, to be debuted at the event.

About a week before, the bedroom air-conditioner also went into a coma. We had several sleepless nights, trying various solutions, until we finally bought a new window unit. So sleep deprived and under the gun I entered the last few days hot and tired, and praying that nothing else would go wrong...

While constructing the stage, I found out that all cutting of wood inside the theater had to be... not there. So I improvised and cut my boards on my hands and knees under a plastic tarp to prevent unacceptable sawdust from entering the theater atmosphere. In tight quarters, I injured my hand and bled like a stuck feral hog, (ask Justin Mahaffey, he has seen both) and then covered the newly made platforms with borrowed rugs, that reeked of twenty years of pet grovelling... learned the value of a bottle of FEBREEZE.

The day of the event,@#$%, while fetching our spotlight at a Bryan rental, my car overheated and had to be hospitalized for 24 hours. Minutes later my cell phone crapped out, completely. That way five of my seven volunteers could not reach me to explain why they would NOT be able to make it to the event.. One was my little brother, his car went out, totaled and out for good. They were mostly all good excuses.

Still, the show must go on... and it did, with or without me. As the photo above illustrates, (Joe Tex II singing his dad's hit "Ain't Gonna Bump No More With No Big Fat Woman," complete with ... a very animated, very lovely, big... woman, it was all worth it, and we had a roaring good time. I even bumped with her myself...

Yes, Dear, you should never leave early...

Someone very close to me just called thinking the chicken salad sandwiches we provided made him violently ill...

Not to worry, we have devoured dozens of them since... and will be for days...

Got a little carried away with that order...

My heart? There have been a few moments... just my internal warning system screaming... "Would you please stop this nonsense?"

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