There was so muck bunk on the Internet I had to go check things out for myself... these are pictures taken on Monday morning from around 9:30 to 11:30, from where the forest fire started around West Magnolia Forest, along County Rd 304 to where it was being fought just west of Stoneham.
Thanks to the folks at the Triple C General Store for the bottle of water... their electricity was out, and they were getting ice and locking up the store, which I hope was safe, after a night of prayer.
I found our magnificent firefighters gathering at a ranch just to the east of the Lawridge Ranch, getting their battle plan together for another face off with Grimes County's worst fire ever. Pray for them, that their work will be successful, and they will not be hurt, and that it will rain tomorrow and end this chapter in their scrapbook.
And look at that beautiful Navasota Firetruck! In action! Makes you really appreciate all those years of scrimping and saving to acquire such a stellar fire fighting team. Go Plantersville! Go Anderson! Go Montgomery! Damn good bunch of volunteers.
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