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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Being Thankful For One Day

I live in a region where you could still run over a turkey while driving down a public road... or a goat or sometimes even a cow. And I am thankful for that. I live where people and livestock still relate to one another, eye to eye... Where the same guy you know that traps wild hogs keeps one for a pet...

Where you can occasionally see the graceful serenity of animals living on the land. Or you might see city folks out enjoying the world I live in every day...

I live in a neighborhood that is just as likely to produce a possum on the porch as a salesman. And I am thankful for that as well.

Where the antiquity and beauty of my surroundings speak of the good life and the way God intended for us all to live. When I take a walk, it is hard not to run back to the house and get my camera and start taking photographs. You gotta know I am thankful for that.

The truth is that the Lord gave me everything I ever truly wanted... Love, belonging... significance. A hometown that felt like home. A family that has always been there for me. And a beautiful world to give me inspiration, every day.

I'm not one of those "perfect worlders," in fact I know that the world IS perfect... it's people who mess it up, trying to improve on what looks pretty wonderful to a lot of us.

Wild tree ducks made young on my block, right here in town...

Maybe it would be more appropriate if we set aside just one day every year to forget to be thankful, instead of the other way around...

Anyway, if you ever visit my world... watch for the turkeys... and coon dogs and stray goats... and be thankful for them, they are our daily reminders to be grateful, and they are a perfect welcoming committee!

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