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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Navasota, Texas shows its inner heart... at Christmas.

The Spirit of America... can be found in small towns all over this great and blessed Country. And there is no town in America feeling its blessings any more than Navasota, Texas. It is here where you will find Americans who still know from Whom these blessings come...

Compare this colorful homespun Christmas parade, complete with Santa on an antique firetruck, and high school bands, crazy cars and Sonic drink cups sprung to life, led by our beloved lawmen and firemen who risk their lives often for us, and followed up by a a real life Western sheriff, Don Sowell, and his Junior Posse, (I'm almost getting choked up here...) but compare this wholesome, unified, festive, multicultural, multi-denominational statement of freedom and tolerance, to most other main streets in any other countries in the world; The flags and lights and sweet kids waving... Unlike their own strongholds, the extremists and terrorists have not shut this down.

This is nothing less than the fruit of Christ, even enjoyed by those who have no idea who He is, and this kind of display will always erupt anywhere there is true joy. Things like Truth and Freedom and yes, Love still guide the small towns of America. May it ever be so.

Thank you Lord for what YOU gave us!

Now help us preserve it!

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