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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

F..U..N spells Corner Cafe

I'm in a hurry... have a job these days, but want to thank everyone for the hilarious good time we had at the Corner Cafe Saturday night. It was a spin off of Halloween... back to the original intent... "All Hallows Eve"... All Saints day, and the cafe was decorated as .. a cheap rip-off of Heaven... pearly gates, bearded greeters in robes...

A very special thanks goes to Jim Gill, his band and Glynnis Eastman for bringing humor and authenticity to the event. Gill is an absolute HOOT, and gave old songs new words that broke us up... "I Wish They All Could Be Presbyterian Girls" ...and "Jonah be Good." I guess we all knew that SOMEBODY out there had humor as a spiritual gift... now we've met him. The food, fellowship and FUN were typical of what we have come to expect at the Corner... Now also doubling as the worship center for the Home Fellowship, starting last Sunday... another awesome, quality experience!

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