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Monday, April 12, 2010

My Bay City venture...

The Art League of Bay City asked me to come and judge their annual show, and that turned into a landscape workshop and that turned into several more workshops, over several days with some twenty artists from around southeast Texas participating.

What I discovered while down there was truly a revelation. This area is the other end of La Salle's historic trek into Texas. Anyway, the people were very gracious, the seafood the best I've ever had, the landscapes diverse and inspiring, and the history full of tantalizing mystery. I'm goin' back!

I taught 5 workshops on trees, wildfowl landscape, digital photography, victorian architecture and seascapes. Note the group shot underneath a bronze monument of Tommy Le Tulle, the visionary who left his ranch for people like us to use. And that's Jean Weaks painting a fabulous watercolor during our trip down to Palacios. While down there I discovered much I want to share, and some things you need to know... so keep reading!

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